Friday, May 14, 2010

The BB to my Bonnie

So, I love Bonnie Raitt. She is a woman. A WOman. And when her and BB King do anything together it's magical. Enter the song, 'Baby, I love you'. My obsession with this song has been growing over the last couple years and it was then that I decided this was the song I would dance to at my wedding, if I could ever find a recipient worthy of dancing/singing this song to. Enter John Boy. I had my mind set on using this song so when John told me there was no way in H E double he would do it, i audibly said ok but mentally thought, 'duh I'll get what I want, I'll just have to use guilt and tears now.' The night before the wedding, we were working on our playlist and he was still hesitant so out of the goodness of my heart, I threw on some sort of sap song that we could awkwardly sway through as everyone else was praying for a 2 minute song instead of 4 and a half minute one. THEN as we were driving to the reception, John told me he had actually listened to my song 20 times that week and had all the lyrics memorized. Winner! So when we got to the reception we did a quick run-through and sealed it with a High-five. Thanks Aly for capturing this. and Thanks me for the execution. and thanks John for going all in.

The best part was after, one of the swim-kids came up to me and said, "when you started singing I was just thinking to myself, man, John is HATING this. and then he started singing and I thought, jokes on me. jokes on me."


  1. OMG! john and Krista this was brilliant! Krista i dont believe we have ever met but you are adorable!! wish i could have been there to witness this blessed event! CONGRATS!

  2. SOOO CUTE! wish i could have been there, i heard it was beautiful and fun. you to look so happy together, i love it!

  3. That was DA BOMB!

  4. Anonymous said...

    That was DA BOMB!


  5. that swim-kid was adam. john totally had us fooled.

  6. Joke's on me, man. Joke's on me.
